Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Visual Studio Clipboad Ring - Tip

Unlike most other applications, VS.NET has something called a clipboard ring.
During development, the average developer finds it very annoying that you can only save 1 item into the clipboard (copy-and-pasting).
Well with VS.NET, the clipboard ring allows you to save up to 20 items into the clipboard. To reference this items, its important to know that they are saved in a LIFO method (Last-In First-Out if your not into stacks).
1. Copy a selection using Ctrl-C (Copy). You can repeat this copying upto 19 more times.
2. Pressing Ctrl-V will paste the last item you copied. Nothing new yet right?
3. Pressing Ctrl-Shift-V will also paste the last item in the clipboard.
Now say you want to retrieve the 2nd, or 3rd last item you inserted into the clipboard, simply keep pressing Ctrl-Shift-V to cycle through the items in the clipboard.
So this saves you from running back and forth between documents to get the next selection of text you want to paste over to some other page of code.

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